Шевиците, с които българките изписват дрехите си, са древна традиция, предавана от поколение на поколение. В тях откриваме не само мъдростта на предците, но и вечните истини на човечеството, космоса и законите на битието. Тези свещени образи на мирозданието са своеобразни „икони“ по дрехите, които днес трябва да заемат подобаващо място в домовете и живота ни, за да ни припомнят кои сме, откъде идваме и накъде отиваме.
"A world like a flower"
Exhibition of Svetlana Kostova
with paintings based on Bulgarian folk embroidery
"A world like a flower" is a forgotten Bulgarian expression, which our ancestors used to say "a perfect world", "a beautiful world". Actually, for the former Bulgarians, "world" was quite a broad concept. If for the contemporaries it was primarily the earth - the world we live in, for them it was the whole creation - "the sky and the earth with everything that is on them" - "century, world, peace, universe", we read in the late 19th century dictionary by Nayden Gerov. But "world" for the Bulgarians of yore was also "all mankind" and "good living, happy life."
A world of light! A world in color!
The embroideries with which Bulgarian women adorn and sanctify their garments are an ancient tradition, passed down from generation to generation. In them we find not only the wisdom of the ancestors, but also the eternal truths of humanity, the cosmos and the laws of existence. These sacred images of the universe are a kind of 'icons' on our clothes that today should take their rightful place in our homes and lives to remind us of who we are, where we come from and where we are going to.
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